Program at a glance (final)

date Sunday, Sep. 11 Monday, Sep. 12 Tuesday, Sep. 13 Wednesday, Sep. 14 Thursday, Sep. 15

Optional Tour
will be provided

  • Sake Brewery
    & Arima Onsen
  • Himeji Castle
  8:00-10:15Opening Ceremony
Plenary Lecture
3 invite
8:15-10:15High Speed Lasers
1 invite + 6 contribute
8:15-10:15PICs and Quantum Dot
1 invite + 6 contribute
    10:15-10:35Coffee Break 10:15-10:35Coffee Break 10:15-10:35Coffee Break
AM2 11:00-13:00Technical WS
Power saturation in
8 invite
10:35-12:50Mid IR Laser
1 invite + 7 contribute
10:35-11:50Nano Lasers
5 contribute
10:35-12:50Heterogeneous Lasers
on Silicon
1 invite + 7 contribute
(Lunch box is served)
Lunch 13:00-14:00Panel Discussion
(Lunch box is served)
(Lunch box is served)
(Lunch box is served)
14:00-14:20Coffee Break 12:50-15:00Anniversary WS 3
4 invited
PM1 14:20-16:20Anniversary WS1
4 invited
13:50-16:05Novel Communication
2 invite + 5 contribute
13:50-15:35Photonic Crystal
1 invite + 5 contribute
15:00-15:20Coffee Break
  16:20-16:40Coffee Break 16:05-16:25Coffee Break 15:20-16:20High Power Lasers
4 contribute
15:35-15:55Coffee Break
PM2   16:40-18:40Anniversary WS 2
4 invited
16:25-18:40Advanced VCSELs
1 invite + 7 contribute

16:20-18:20Poster & Coffee
63 posters
WE2~ WE63

10 Categories >>

10 Categories
  1. Mid Infrared Lasers
  2. Silicon Photonics
  3. VCSELs
  4. High Power Lasers
  5. High Speed Lasers
  6. Waveguides & Resonators
  7. Single Mode Lasers
  8. Quantum Dot Lasers
  9. Photonic Crystals & Nanolasers
  10. Nitride & Visible Lasers


15:55-17:40Wide Bandgap Lasers
7 contribute
17:40Post Deadline Paper
Closing Ceremony
  18:40-19:00Break 18:40-20:00Dinner Time
(on your own)
Night 19:00-Welcome Reception
20:00-22:00Rump Session 19:20-Banquet
@Zuiten (west)

Advance Program New!

  • Monday, September 12
  • Tuesday, September 13
  • Wednesday, September 14
  • Thursday, September 15

Plenary Speakers

Prof. Amnon Yariv(Caltech) What does it Take to Make The Semiconductor Laser a High Coherence Laser
Prof. Peter M. Smowton(Cardiff University) Quantum Dot Lasers for Integrated Photonics
Prof. Shigehisa Arai(Tokyo Institute of Technology) In-plane Semiconductor Membrane Lasers for Photonic Integrated Circuits

Half-century Anniversary Workshop will be held in Sept. 12 and 14.
Anniversary WS Speakers (One more speaker is under negotiation.)

Prof. Markus C. Amann(Technical University Munich) Long-Wavelength VCSELs: Devices and Applications
Prof. Yasuhiko Arakawa(The University of Tokyo) Progress in quantum well and dot lasers
Prof. Peter Blood(Cardiff University) Laser diode quantum efficiency revisited
Prof. John E. Bowers(University of California, Santa Barbara) The history of laser emission on silicon
Prof. Larry A. Coldren(University of California, Santa Barbara) Thirty-five years of widely-tunable single-chip lasers: a pathway to active PICs
Prof. James J. Coleman(University of Texas at Dallas) Forty Years of ISLC: Laser Diode Materials, Growth, Structures, and Performance
Prof. Karl Joachim Ebeling(University of Ulm) 25 Years of VCSEL Research and Development at Ulm University and Philips Photonics
Prof. Kenichi Iga(Tokyo Institute of Technology) VCSEL Odyssey ++   -The conception and Research of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser-
Dr. Jack L. Jewell
A 1989 Event in VCSEL Development​
Prof. Susumu Noda(Kyoto University) Progress and Future Prospects of Photonic Crystal Lasers
Prof. Yasuharu Suematsu(Tokyo Institute of Technology) Dynamic Single Mode Laser saw the Light of Day
Prof. Peter Zory(University of Florida) Diode Laser Active Region Evolution

Invited Speakers

Prof. Erwin A. J. M. Bente(Eindhoven University of Technology) Photonic integrated laser systems in the 1.6 to 2.0 µm wavelength range on InP
Prof. Constance J. Chang-Hasnain(University of California, Berkeley) Wavelength-Tunable MEMS-VCSEL
Dr. Gregory A. Fish(Aurrion, Inc.) Heterogeneous Integration of III-V material with Silicon Photonics: A path for integrated lasers
Ms. Sophie Lange(Fraunhofer-Heinrich-Hertz-Institute) Monolithic Laser Integrated Mach-Zehnder Modulator PICs on InP for High Speed Optical Networks
Dr. Michael C. Larson(Lumentum Operations, LLC) Narrow linewidth tunable DBR lasers
Dr. Yasuhiro Matsui(Finisar Corp.) Direct modulation laser technology toward 50-GHz bandwidth
Dr. Shinji Matsuo(NTT Device Technology Laboratories) Membrane DFB and Photonic-crystal lasers on Si
Dr. Jerry Meyer(Naval Research Laboratory) Advances of Interband Cascade Lasers

Technical WS Organizers

Dr. Eugene Avrutin
(University of York, UK)
Dr. Victor Rossin
(Lumentum Operations LLC)

Technical WS Title: “Power saturation in diode lasers”

High power diode lasers provide the optical energy for the majority of high performance laser systems, and are the most efficient technology for converting electrical energy into useful light. Solid-state and fiber laser systems that make use of such diode lasers as pump sources are progressing rapidly, driven by improvements to the diode lasers. As their power, efficiency and brightness improve, diode lasers have been increasingly deployed directly in material processing applications. For future systems, further enhanced diode lasers are needed, with ever-increasing output power per device, for cost reduction and for better system performance. However, the limits to peak power remain unclear, with various non-linear effects coming into play at high bias, driven by a combination of high optical intensity, current density, and temperature, whose relative importance is challenging to robustly diagnose, especially in these large area structures where spatial non-uniformity can also play a large role.
This workshop of invited speakers will discuss the efforts underway by various groups to enhance the peak achievable power in high-power semiconductor lasers, with a special focus on measures to diagnose and understand the limiting mechanisms. The workshop forum is meant to stimulate discussion and interaction with the audience to encourage feedback and consensus building among high-power laser researchers. The workshop will conclude with a panel discussion on how to sustain continual power scaling for the next generation of diode lasers.
Dr. Victor Rossin (Lumentum Operations LLC)
High power laser diodes: motivation and hurdles
Dr. Eugene Avrutin (University of York, UK)
The role of carrier accumulation in the optical confinement layer in output efficiency deterioration of laser diodes
Dr. Paul Juodawlkis (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Linear and nonlinear loss mechanisms in high-power semiconductor lasers and optical amplifiers
Dr. Paul Crump (Ferdinand-Braun-Institut)
Experimental and theoretical studies into the limits to peak power in GaAs-based diode lasers
Dr. Matt Peters (Lumentum Operations LLC)
Power saturation in standard and double-AR unfolded laser diode cavities
Dr. Masao Kawaguchi (Panasonic Corporation)
Record-Breaking High-Power InGaN Laser-Diodes by Optical-Loss Suppressed Undoped Thick-Waveguide Structure
Dr. Ulrich Weichmann (Philips Photonics Systems)
VCSELs for high-power applications
Dr. Yuji Yamagata (Optoenergy)
Improvement of high power operation in 9xxnm broad area laser diodes
Panel Discussion Moderator
Dr. Paul Crump (Ferdinand-Braun-Institut)
Path forward for continual power scaling in high power diode lasers

Rump Session Organizers

Dr. Di Liang(Hewlett Packard Labs, Hewlett Packard Enterprise)  
Prof. Nobuhiko Nishiyama(Tokyo Institute of Technology)  

20:00-22:00, Sep. 13, 2016

Rump Session: Integrated Optoelectronics in next 50 years: light source, platform, scale
The rump session is an opportunity for everybody to get involved. Under the theme of integrated optoelectronics this time, we encourage discussion surrounding three topics below. If you would like to make a brief presentation, please email: and by August 30 to give them the chance to best order contributions (slide-free or 1-3 slide power point presentation, 5-7 min. /presentation).

The information exploration in this Big Data era poses many great opportunities to tremendously lift up the volume of integrated optoelectronics. Behind this business driver, innovation in integration platform, scale and options to deploy the light source is likely to be a key technical driver to determine the new technology landscape in next 50 years. In this exciting venture, silicon photonics emerges to be a new platform to challenge the dominance of the traditional compound semiconductors. But:

  1. What is the best venue to monolithically integrate the efficient and reliable light source(s) in the silicon substrate eventually? Should we continue perfecting the growth template to block the defects, developing lattice-matched direct bandgap materials or growing active materials with much better defect tolerance, e.g., quantum dot?
  2. Considering the distinct difference between electronics and photonics in materials, operations and control, should there be a "Moore's Law" to guide the photonics integrated circuits (PICs)? If yes what does it look like?
  3. When scaling up the PICs for more functionalities, we can integrate many nanolasers or just deploy a few master light sources and split the output into many channels. Which one is more power efficient?